

关于举办“Utilization of food waste products” 学术报告的通知

          发布日期:2023-07-04     浏览次数:




二、报告地点:机电百家乐补牌 四楼会议室9402

三、报告题目:Utilization of food waste products


报告人:Dr. Shoaib Younas

Dr. Younas, perused PhD in Food Science from Hefei University of Technology, China and graduated in 2021. He obtained MSc (Hons) in Food and Nutrition from Institute of Food Science and Nutrition (IFSN), University of Sargodha, Pakistan. He worked excellently and published research work in well reputed SCI ranked international journals.Research engages with impact of processing methods on quality, physicochemical changes, water status and functional properties of fruits and vegetables. He interested in research of application of thermal and non-thermal drying, multispectral imaging on foods and investigate the association with qualitative and quantitative aspects. His research focuses on investigate water status, nutritional composition, functional properties, and microbial analysis with various destructive and non-destructive imaging-based techniques on agriculture commodities. He applied multispectral imaging (MSI) and low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) to determine moisture, microbial load, phenolic and nutrient contents.

联系人:傅隆生 [email protected]




编辑:奚海莲     终审: