


          发布日期:2023-09-08     浏览次数:




二、报告地点:机电百家乐补牌 三楼会议室9331


摘要:永磁牵引电机结构具有功率密度高、调速范围宽、结构紧凑等优点广泛应用于航空、航天、家电、新能源汽车等领域,然而由于其特有退磁故障风险, 一直在高速动车组上难以应用, 本报告将针对永磁同步电机的特性和高速动车组安全挑战和智能化运维方面进行探讨和未来轨道交通智能运维方面的展望。


报告人:余银犬   特聘教授/博导 华东交通大学  机电与车辆工程百家乐补牌

余银犬简介:华东交通大学载运工具与装备教育部重点实验室副主任、精密加工与智能装备制造研究所所长、入选科技部外国高端专家引进人才计划。近十年来任职于新加坡科技研究局(ASTAR)科学家。新加坡声学会士(Fellow of SAS)、国际电气和电子工程师协会资深会员(Senior member of IEEE)、美国机械工程师协会(ASME)新加坡执行委员会委员(Singapore executive committee member)。新加坡工程学会资深会员(Senior member of IES)及其科技成果转化导师。第一届亚洲自动识别协会技术委员会委员,IEEE PES碳达峰、碳中和常务理事,IEEE PES中国区低压直流委员会理事。第三届电力电子与控制工程国际学术研讨会组委会主席,2021 IEEE第二届大数据人工智能与物联网工程国际会议本地委员会主席,第四届电力电子与控制工程国际学术研讨会大会主席,STEP2021智慧交通、能源与动力国际学术会议大会主席、亚太数据读写和储存大会(APMRC2010)会议组织者之一,国际电气工程和自动化控制国际会议2017技术计划委员会委员,国际电气工程和自动化控制国际会议2017,国际著名期刊International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks智能制造中无线传感器和人工智能特刊客座主编。美国电气工程师学会国际电磁期刊,美国电气工程师学会工业电子技术期刊,电气工程师学会电磁研究国际会(Intermag 2018)等多家国际期刊指定审稿人,新加坡科技研究局购买大型设备的专业鉴定人,国家自然科学基金委重大项目评审专家,国家电网江西省重点项目会评专家。

研究领域与主要成果:智能永磁电机(Smart PMSM),设备健康检测和故障诊断 ( Machine Health Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis),机电一体化和机器人(Mechatronics and Robotics)高速高精度设备减震降噪音(Shock Absorption and Noise Reduction of High-speed and High-precision Equipment),智能制造与精密加工(Intelligent Manufacturing and Precision Machining),在IEEEASME等有关著名国际期刊上和会议上公开发表论文30多篇,IEEE Sensors & IEEE Access等二区以上SCI国际期刊指定审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,省部级项目2项,领导和参与完成新加坡科技局和国防部研究资助项目达13 项,获得软件著作权奖5项,申请和获得7项外国专利授权,其中两项美国专利被美国最大芯片商MARVELL购买。

Position: Director of Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing and Precision Machining, East China Jiaotong University Scientist in ASTAR in Singapore, Fellow of SAS Senior member of IEEE, Singapore executive committee member ASME, Senior member of IES and IES-CHIA mentor, Member of Asian automatic identification Association Technical Committee, Committee Chair of ISPECE 2020, Member of Organizer, APMRC 2010, Member of Technical Program Committee, ICEEAC 2017, Reviewer, ICEEAC 2017 conference, Reviewer, IEEE Journal of Transactions on Magnetics, Reviewer, IEEE Journal of Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - Conferences Intermag 2018, ASTAR professional appraisers for purchasing large equipment.

Research areas and main achievements: Smart Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM), Machine Health Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis, Mechatronics and Robotics, Shock Absorption and Noise Reduction of High-speed and High-precision Equipment, Intelligent Manufacturing and Precision MachiningIn the past 10 years, more than 30 papers have been published in the international journals related to IEEE & ASME, Served as the reviewer of the peer-reviewed of several SCI international journals. Appointed as project leader and had been Participated in the completion of 13 ASTAR & DSO funded research project. 5 Software Copyright Awards, 7 Foreign Patent Authorizations. Two of these patents were purchased by MARVELL, the largest chipmaker in the United States.

联系人:解加庆 [email protected]

