报告题目:Continental-Scale Crop Type Identification and Mapping based on Dual-polarimetric Sentinel-1 Time Series
报告地点:机电百家乐补牌 二楼会议室
周正舒是澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)教授,IEEE高级会员,CSIRO遥感和图像分析团队雷达遥感监测小组负责人。于2005年移居澳大利亚,并与阿得雷德大学电气与电子工程百家乐补牌 合作,曾建立了澳大利亚首个用于植被监测和参数提取的地基极化干涉雷达系统,目前主要负责SAR相关技术在农业和陆地监测等领域的工作。自2009年加入CSIRO以来,一直负责大部分雷达相关的项目。研究领域包括雷达系统构建与校正、雷达成像与雷达信号处理、极化SAR干涉测量等。
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) provides all day and night imaging capability due to the unique responses of terrain and targets to radar frequencies and the minimum constraints on time-of-day and atmospheric conditions. With the advancements of radar systems and signal processing techniques, radar remote sensing is increasingly significant and available for Earth observation. Since the 1990’s CSIRO have been involved with SAR applications, making use of data from most SAR missions.Due to the recent maturing of the SAR data acquisitions and availability of freely accessible SAR imagery,CSIRO have invested to boost and enhance its SAR capabilities across multiple application domains.
In this talk we give an overview of recent CSIRO work in SAR technique innovations and applications, especially our current work on continental scale crop monitoring. We have foreseen significant growth in the SAR applications for pilot studies as well as developing monitoring systems at continental scale for precision agriculture including cropping and pasture, and other applications. Our practice of crop mapping for Australia’s Wheatbelts is introduced. Evidences of how polarimetric decomposition improving the accuracy of crop type classification and quantitative analysis of crop classification accuracy with various lengths of Sentinel-1 time series are presented.