报告题目:Recent innovations in automated fresh market tree fruit harvesting
报告地点:机电百家乐补牌 二楼会议室
报告人:美国华盛顿州立大学Manoj Karkee博士
Dr. Manoj Karkee is an Associate Professor in the Biological Systems Engineering Department at Washington State University (WSU). He was born in Nepal where he received his undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering. He received his MS from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand and his PhD in Agricultural Engineering and Human Computer Interaction from Iowa State University. Dr. Karkee leads a strong research program in the area of sensing, machine vision and agricultural robotics. Some of his major research topics include fresh market apple and cherry harvesting, fruit tree and berry bush pruning, weed control in vegetable crops, smart irrigation in perennial crops, and novel applications of UAS in agriculture. He has published widely in such journals as ‘Journal of Field Robotics’, ‘Computers and Electronics in Agriculture’, and ‘Transactions of the ASABE’, and has been an invited speaker at numerous national and international conferences. Dr. Karkee is currently serving as an elected chair for IFAC Technical Committee 8.1, Control in Agriculture, as an associate editor for ‘Transactions of the ASABE’, and as a guest editor for journal ‘Robotics’.