报告人:Ahmad Ali Al-Mallahi博士
报告地址:机电百家乐补牌 二楼报告厅
Ahmad Ali Al-Mallahi博士于2007年和2010年从北海道大学获得硕士和博士学位。2010至2014年为北海道大学博士后研究员,从事车辆机器人的自主化研究及其用于农业机械作业对象的传感、监测和控制系统开发。2014年至2015年任Amino Up Chemical 公司的研究与开发科学家,从事协调公司与研究机构之间的国际合作研究,并基于科学证据寻找国际商业伙伴的研究。2015年至今,Ahmad Ali Al-Mallahi博士任职Bosch公司(Bosch公司是德国历史最悠久的以生产精密仪器闻名的科学技术公司,主要涉及到家用电器、汽车、安防、传感器等领域)机电一体化工程师和主任研究员,研究园艺和温室的智能化传感器网络系统,开发温度、湿度、CO2、太阳辐射等相关环境传感器,以及能够集成传感器与建立无线通信网关的传感器节点。Ahmad Ali Al-Mallahi博士同时也是约旦工程协会机械工程部会员、日本农业机械协会会员和北海道多所大学的兼职讲师和客座讲师。发表多篇学术论文。
A.A. Al-Mallahi, T. Kataoka. 2016. Application of Fibre Sensor in Grain Drill to Estimate Seed Flow under Field Operational Conditions.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 121: 412-419.
Al-Mallahi A. A., T. Kataoka. 2013. Estimation of Mass Flow of Seeds using Fiber Sensor and Multiple Linear Regression Modelling. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 99, 116-122.
Al-Mallahi A. A., T. Kataoka. 2012. Improving the Conditions of Potato Production by the Automation of Potato Harvesting Tasks Using Machine Vision. In Claudio Caprara (Eds.), Potatoes: Production, Consumption and Health Benefits (pp. 83-97). New York: Nova publishers.
Al-Mallahi A. A., T. Kataoka. 2012.Evaluation of the Performance of Grain Drill and Requirement toward Application on a New Agricultural System with Robot Tractor. J. Hokkaido Branch of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery. 52, 17-22.
Al-Mallahi A. A., T. Kataoka, H. Okamoto, Y. Shibata. 2010. An Image Processing Algorithm for Detecting in-line Potato Tubers without Singulation. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture. 70, 239-244.
Al-Mallahi A. A., T. Kataoka, H. Okamoto, Y. Shibata. 2010. Detection of Potato Tubers using an Ultraviolet imaging-based machine vision system. Biosystems Engineering. 105, 257-265.
Al-Mallahi A. A., T. Kataoka, H. Okamoto. 2008. Discrimination between Potato Tubers and Clods by Detecting the Significant Wavebands. Biosystems Engineering. 100, 329-337.