报告题目:Robotics & perception in the Chilean agriculture: state of the art and challenges
报告地点:机电百家乐补牌 五楼会议室
报告人:智利Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María大学Fernando AuatCheein教授
This seminar is focused on presenting Chile, the UTFSM (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María) the GRAI group, the research center AC3E and the efforts (and results) made in the last years for pushing forward the research in the robotics field. In particular, it will be presented the challenges and opportunities that the country is currently facing.
Dr. Fernando AuatCheein is a professor at Federico Santa Maria Technical University, Valparaiso, Chile. He developed his researcher career in Argentina, Brazil and Portugal, working on topics such as rehabilitation robotics (closely related to his MSc), SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and control systems applied to mobile robots. Up to date, Dr. AuatCheein has more than 70 journal articles (WoS), several conference papers, patents and served as editor or invited editor of books, journals and journal special issues (such as ''Mechatronics in Agriculture'', at the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics). He is currently Associate Editor of Computers & Electronics in Agriculture and was invited to be part of the editorial board of BioSystems Engineering. He leads the GRAI group (witheightPhD students -four of themcandidates-, several MSc and undergraduate students) and it is a Principal Investigator at the Basal Center AC3E; and he currently leads 3 Chilean NSF projects. His research interests from the last five years include: robotics in agriculture, efficient manoeuvring, motion and planning of service units, human robot interaction (in agriculture) and phenotyping.