

机电百家乐补牌 2016年发表论文SCI收录

          发布日期:2017-03-07     浏览次数:

  百家乐补牌规则详解-庄闲家补牌规则与技巧 2016年论文论著(SCI)
序号 论文题目 第一作者 通讯作者 发表期刊与刊期 索引分区 备注
1 Simulation of heating uniformity in a heating block system modified for controlled atmosphere treatments 严荣军(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Journal of Stored Products Research,卷:65,期:1,页: 19-29,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
2 Physicochemical properties, volatile compounds, and oxidative stability of cold pressed kernel oils from raw and roasted pistachio (Pistacia veraL. Var Kerman) 令博 王绍金 期刊名称:European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology,卷:118,期:9,页: 1368-1379,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
3 Nondestructive measurement of soluble solids content of kiwifruits using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging 郭文川 郭文川 期刊名称:Food Analytical Methods,卷:9,期:1,页: 38-47,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
4 Mathematical modeling of microwave drying of crashed cotton stalks for man-made composite material 王红提(学) 郭康权 期刊名称:International Jaunty of Agricultural and BiologiCal Engengeening,卷:9,期:2,页: 171-178,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
5 Segmentation of farmland obstacle images based on intuitionistic fuzzy divergence 杨福增 杨福增 期刊名称:Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems,卷:31,期:1,页: 163-172,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI三区  
6 A novel strategy for improving radio frequency heating uniformity of dry food products using computational modeling 黄智(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technology,卷:34,期:4,页: 100-111,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI一区  
7 Feasibility investigation on determining soluble solids content of peaches using dielectric spectra 朱新华 郭文川 期刊名称:Food Analytical Methods,卷:9,期:6,页: 1789-1798,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
8 Classification of ripening stages of bananas based on support vector machine 侯俊才 郭康权 期刊名称:International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering,卷:8,期:6,页: 99-103,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
9 Development  of  uncut  crop  edge  detection  system  based  on  laser  rangefinder   for   combine   harvesters 赵腾(学) 陈军 期刊名称:International  Journal   Of  Agricultural  And Biological  Engineering,卷:9,期:2,页: 21-28,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
10 Nondestructive determination of soluble solids content of ‘Fuji’ apples produced in different areas and bagged with different materials during ripening 董金磊(学) 郭文川 期刊名称:Food Analytical Methods,卷:9,期:5,页: 1087-1095,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
11 Recognition and localization of occluded apples using K-means clustering algorithm 王丹丹(学) 宋怀波 期刊名称:Multimedia Tools and Applications,卷:75,期:6,页: 3177-3198,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
12 Storage stability of pistachios as influenced by radio frequency treatments for postharvest disinfestations 令博 王绍金 期刊名称:Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies,卷:33,期:2,页: 357-364,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI一区  
13 Design and implementation of maize(Zea mays L.) growth simulation model for Northwest region in China 何东健 何东健 期刊名称:AGROMETEOROLOGIA,卷:21,期:2,页: 25-34,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI四区  
14 Segmentation of foreground apple targets by fusing visual attention 屈卫锋(学) 宋怀波(学) 期刊名称:Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research,卷:13,期:3,页: 1-9,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
15 Computational modeling of the impact of polystyrene containers on radio frequency heating uniformity improvement for dried soybeans 黄智(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technology,卷:33,期:2,页: 365-380,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI一区  
16 Dielectric properties of peanut kernels associated with microwave and radio frequency drying 张双(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Biosystems Engineering,卷:145,期:5,页: 108-117,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI一区  
17 spark plasma sintering of combustion-synthesized beta-SiAlON powders 衣雪梅 衣雪梅 期刊名称:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,卷:42,期:6,页: 6707-6712,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI一区  
18 Trade-offs between carbon sequestration, soil retention and  water yield in the Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Region of China 杨晓楠(学) 周自翔 期刊名称:Journal of Geographical Sciences ,卷:26,期:10,页: 1449-1462,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI三区  
19 Comparison of mosaicking techniques for airborne images from consumer-grade cameras 宋怀波 Chenghai Yang(外) 期刊名称:Journal of applied remote sensing,卷:10,期:1,页: 1-15,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI三区  
20 Industrial-scale radio frequency treatments to control Sitophilus oryzae in rough, brown, and milled rice 周丽阳(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Journal of Stored Products Research,卷:68,期:4,页: 9-18,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
21 Coupled urbanization and agricultural ecosystem services in Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone 周自翔 李晶(外) 期刊名称:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,卷:23,期:15,页: 15407-15417,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
22 Application of radio frequency pasteurization to corn (Zea mays L.): heating uniformity improvement and quality stability evaluation 郑阿娟(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Journal of Stored Products Research,卷:68,期:4,页: 63-72,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
23 spark plasma sintering behavior of combustion-synthesized (Y,Ca)-alpha-SiAlON 衣雪梅 衣雪梅 期刊名称:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL,卷:42,期:14,页: 15687-15693,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI一区  
24 Verification of radio frequency heating uniformity and Sitophilus oryzae control in rough, brown, and milled rice 周丽阳(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Journal of Stored Products Research,卷:65,期:1,页: 40-47,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
25 Predicting wheat kernels’ protein content by near infrared hyperspectral imaging 杨蜀秦 何东健 期刊名称:International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering,卷:9,期:2,页: 163-170,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
26 Application of modified quartz crystal sensors: Detection of isobutyl alcohol, ethyl acetate and ethylene 侯俊才 郭康权 期刊名称:International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering,卷:7,期:5,页: 71-77,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区 2015年未奖励,当时忘记上传检索证明,退回后又未及时发现。
27 Performance of a Heating Block System Designed for Studying the Heat Resistance of Bacteria in Foods 寇小希 王绍金 期刊名称:scientific reports,卷:6,期:30758,页: 1-12,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI一区  
28 Peach variety identification using near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy 郭文川 郭文川 期刊名称:Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,卷:123,期:0,页: 297-303,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI一区  
29 Determination of protein content of raw fresh cow’s milk using dielectric spectroscopy combined with chemometric methods 朱新华 朱新华 期刊名称:Food and Bioprocess Technology,卷:9,期:12,页: 2092-2102,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI一区  
30 Simulation and validation of radio frequency heating with conveyor movement for disinfesting wheat 陈龙(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,卷:30,期:4,页: 473-491,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI三区  
31 Soil phosphorus and potassium estimation by reflectance spectroscopy 胡国田 何东健 期刊名称:Transactions of the ASABE,卷:59,期:1,页: 97-105,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI三区  
32 Nutritional quality, functional properties, bioactivity, and microstructure of defatted pistachio kernel flour 令博 王绍金 期刊名称:Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society,卷:93,期:5,页: 689-699,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
33 Developing hot air-assisted radio frequency drying for in-shell walnuts 张波(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture,卷:28,期:7,页: 459-467,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI三区  
34 Radio frequency heating for postharvest control of pests in agricultural products: A review 侯莉侠 王绍金 期刊名称:Postharvest Biology and Technology,卷:113,期:3,页: 106-118,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Review SCI一区  
35 Classification of Kiwifruit Grades Based on Fruit Shape Using a Single Camera 傅隆生 王绍金 期刊名称:Sensors,卷:16,期:7,页: 1012,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI一区  
36 Determination of the draft force for different subsoiler points using discrete element method 李博(学) 陈军 期刊名称:International journal of agricultural and biological engineering,卷:9,期:3,页: 81-87,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI二区  
37 Modeling  of  soil-claw  interaction  using  the  discrete  element  method 李博(学) 陈军 期刊名称:SOIL  &   TILLAGE   RESEARCH,卷:158,期:5,页: 177-185,发表年:2016,出版年:2016,文献类型:Article SCI一区  
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