

机电百家乐补牌 2015年发表论文SCI收录

          发布日期:2016-09-23     浏览次数:

序号 论文题目 第一作者 通讯作者 发表期刊与刊期 索引分区
1 An improved contour symmetry axes extraction algorithm and its application in the location of picking points of apples 王丹丹(学) 宋怀波 期刊名称:Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research,卷:13,期:1,页: e02-005,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI二区
2 Dielectric properties of raw milk as functions of protein content and temperature 朱新华 朱新华 期刊名称:Food and Bioprocess Technology,卷:8,期:3,页: 670-680,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
3 Simulation and Validation of a Model for Heating Underground Biogas Digesters by Solar Energy Amro A. M. Hassanein(学) 邱凌 期刊名称:Ecological Engineering,卷:82,期:5,页: 336 - 344,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
4 Determination of the fat content in cow's milk based on dielectric properties 朱新华 朱新华 期刊名称:Food and Bioprocess Technology,卷:8,期:7,页: 1485-1494,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
5 Dielectric properties of pistachio kernels as influenced by frequency, temperature, moisture and salt content 令博(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Food and Bioprocess Technology,卷:8,期:11,页: 420-430,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
6 Validation of radio frequency treatments as alternative non-chemical methods for disinfesting chestnuts 侯莉侠 王绍金 期刊名称:Jourbal of Stored Products Research,卷:6,期:3,页: 75-79,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
7 A strategy to simulate radio frequency heating under mixing conditions 陈龙(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,卷:118,期:9,页: 100-110,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
8 Computer simulation of radio frequency selective heating of insects in soybeans 黄智(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,卷:90,期:9,页: 406-417,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
9 Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering with feature discrimination 李龙龙(学) 何东健 期刊名称:Plos One,卷:10,期:9,页: e031160,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
10 Performance of controlled atmosphere/heating block systems for assessing insect thermotolerance 李苇(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Biosystems Engineering,卷:135,期:9,页: 1-9,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
11 Developing radio frequency technology for insect control in milled rice 周丽阳(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Journal of Stored Products Research,卷:62,期:3,页: 22-31,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
12 Nondestructive detection of soluble solids content of apples from dielectric spectra with ANN and chemometric methods. Food and Bioprocess Technology 郭文川 郭文川 期刊名称:Food and Bioprocess Technology,卷:8,期:5,页: 1126-1138,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
13 Simulation and prediction of radio frequency heating in dried soybeans 黄智(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Biosystems Engineering,卷:129,期:3,页: 34-37,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
14 Identification of kiwifruits treated with exogenous plant growth regulator using near-infrared hyperspectral reflectance imaging 刘大洋(学) 郭文川 期刊名称:Food Analytical methods,卷:8,期:1,页: 164-172,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI二区
15 Evaluating the top electrode voltage distribution uniformity in radio frequency systems 王昆(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,卷:29,期:6,页: 763-773,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI二区
16 Thermal death kinetics of Conogethes Punctiferalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as influenced by heating rate and life stage 侯莉侠 王绍金 期刊名称:Journal of Economic Entomology,卷:108,期:5,页: 2192-2199,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI二区
17 Validation of top electrode voltage in free-running oscillator radio frequency systems with different moisture content soybeans 王昆(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Biosystems Engineering,卷:31,期:6,页: 41-48,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
18 Experimental evaluation of radio frequency heating in low-moisture agricultural products 张沛祯(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture,卷:27,期:9,页: 662-668,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI四区
19 Two-Dimensional Automatic Measurement for Nozzle Flow Distribution Using Improved Ultrasonic Sensor 翟长远 赵春江(外) 期刊名称:Sensors,卷:15,期:10,页: 26353-26367,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
20 Leaf classification using multiple feature analysis based on semi-supervised clustering 李龙龙(学) 何东健 期刊名称:Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy System,卷:29,期:4,页: 1465-1477,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI二区
21 Apple variety identification based on dielectric spectra and chemometric methods 商亮(学) 郭文川 期刊名称:Food Analytical Methods,卷:8,期:4,页: 1042-1052,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI二区
23 Tolerance of Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to heated and controlled atmospheres treatments 李苇(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Journal of Stored Prodcuts Research,卷:62,期:8,页: 52-57,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
24 CMWSim: Development and evaluation of probability-based weather generating software for crop growth simulation Rajawatta KMW(学) 何东健 期刊名称:Italian Journal of Agrometeorology,卷:2014(3),期:3,页: 5-14,发表年:2014,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI三区
25 Determination of soluble solids content and firmness of pears during ripening by using dielectric spectroscopy 郭文川 郭文川 期刊名称:Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,卷:117,期:0,页: 226-233,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
26 Nondestructive determination of apple internal qualities using near-infrared hyperspectral reflectance imaging 董金磊(学) 郭文川 期刊名称:Food Analytical Methods,卷:8,期:10,页: 2635-2646,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI二区
27 Finite element modelling and analysis of radio frequency heating rate in mung beans 黄智(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Trannsactions of the ASABE,卷:58,期:1,页: 149-160,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI三区
28 Pest control by microwave and radio frequency energy: dielectric properties of stone fruit 令博(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Agronomy for Sustainable Development,卷:35,期:12,页: 233-240,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
29 An optimal vibration control strategy for a vehicle’s active suspension based on improved cultural algorithm 王威 宋玉玲 期刊名称:applied soft computing,卷:28,期:0,页: 167-174,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
30 The correlation analysis on the landscape pattern index and hydrological processes in the Yanhe watershed,China 周自翔 李晶(外) 期刊名称:JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,卷:524,期:9,页: 417-426,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
32 New State Equation for Biodiesel Derived from Molecular Adiabatic Compressibility under High Pressure and High Temperature 石复习 陈军 期刊名称:Fuel,卷:158,期:2015,页: 582-590,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
33 Bottom-up saliency estimation using sparse representation and structural redundancy reduction 龙燕 何东健 期刊名称:Multimedia Tools and Applications,卷:74,期:21,页: 9647-9663,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI二区
34 Kinetics of food and agriculture product quality changes during thermal processing: a review 令博(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Food and Bioprocess Technology,卷:8,期:3,页: 343-358,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Review SCI一区
35 Frequency- and temperature-dependent dielectric properties of goat’s milk adulterated with soy protein 朱新华 朱新华 期刊名称:Food and Bioprocess Technology,卷:8,期:11,页: 2341-2346,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
36 Combining fuzzy set theory and nonlinear stretching enhancement for unsupervised classification of cotton root rot 宋怀波 宋怀波 期刊名称:Applied remote sensing,卷:9,期:无,页: 096013,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI三区
37 physical ,mechanical properties,and structural characterization of konjac glucomannan-chitosan-polypeptide adhesive blends 商晋(学) 郭康权(学) 期刊名称:JOURNAL of ADHESION SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY,卷:29,期:21,页: 2334-2344,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI三区
38 Evaluation of curing and thermal behaviors of konjac glucomnnan-chitosan-polypeptide adhesive blends 商晋(学) 郭康权 期刊名称:JOURNAL of APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE,卷:132,期:34,页: 23-26,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI二区
39 Preparation and Properties of Oriented Cotton Stalk Board with Konjac Glucomannan-Chitosan-Polyvinyl Alcohol Blend Adhesive 陈贤情(学) 郭康权 期刊名称:BIORESOUCES,卷:10,期:2,页: 3736-3748,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI一区
40 Application of modified quartz crystal sensors: Detection of isobutyl alcohol, ethyl acetate and ethylene 侯俊才 郭康权 期刊名称:International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering,卷:7,期:5,页: 71-77,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article  
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