

机电百家乐补牌 2014年发表论文SCI收录

          发布日期:2016-09-23     浏览次数:

论文题目 第一作者 通讯作者 发表期刊与刊期 索引分区
Experimental and simulated top electrode voltage in free-running oscillator radio frequency systems 朱瀚昆(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,卷:30,期:4,页: 606-617,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI二区
Dielectric properties of red pepper powder related to radiofrequency and microwave drying 郭文川 郭文川 期刊名称:Food and Bioprocess Technology,卷:7,期:12,页: 3591-3601,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI一区
Temperature-Dependent Dielectric Properties of Raw Cow's and Goat's Milk from 10 to 4,500 MHz Relevant to Radio-frequency and Microwave Pasteurization Process 朱新华 朱新华 期刊名称:Food and Bioprocess Technology,卷:7,期:6,页: 1830-1839,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI一区
Dielectric properties of ground hazelnuts at different frequencies, temperatures, and moisture contents 朱新华 朱新华 期刊名称:Transactions of the ASABE,卷:57,期:1,页: 161-168,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI三区
Kinetic Approach for Assessing The Effect of Flooding on The Redistribution of Heavy Metals in Paddy Soil(利用动力学方法对浸水稻田土壤重金属再分配效应的评估) 王飞(学) 邱凌 期刊名称:Fresenius Environmental Bulletn,卷:23,期:1,页: 113-121,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI四区
An extended chirp scaling algorithm for spaceborne sliding spotlight synthetic aperture radar imaging 郭交 郭交 期刊名称:Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,卷:27,期:4,页: 892-902,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI二区
The influnce of thermal-hydro-mechanical processing on chenical characterization of Tsuga heterophylla 刘红玲(学) 郭康权 期刊名称:WOOD SCIENC AND TECHNOLIGY,卷:48,期:2,页: 373-392,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI一区
Macroscopic Expressions of Molecular Adiabatic Compressibility of Methyl and Ethyl Caprate under High Pressure and High Temperure 石复习 陈军 期刊名称:Abstract and Applied Analysis,卷:2014,期:2014,页: 1-10,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI一区
Dynamic analysis of a dielectric elastomer-based microbeam resonator with large vibration amplitude 冯闯 冯闯 期刊名称:International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics,卷:65,期:1,页: 63-68,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI二区
Improving the accuracy of local frequency estimation for interferometric synthetic aperture radar interferogram noise filtering considering large coregistration errors 郭交 郭交 期刊名称:IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation,卷:8,期:6,页: 676-684,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI三区
Thermal treatment and storage conditions effects on walnut paste quality associated with enzyme inactivation 令博(学) 王绍金 期刊名称:LWT-Food Science and Technology,卷:59,期:2,页: 786-793,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI一区
Design and testing of a small remote-control hillside tractor 王元杰(学) 杨福增 期刊名称:Transactions of the ASABE,卷:57,期:2,页: 363-370,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI三区
Development of thermal treatment protocol for disinfesting chestnuts using radio frequency energy 侯莉侠 王绍金 期刊名称:Postharvest Biology and Technology,卷:98,期:1,页: 65-71,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI一区
Thermal conductivity of beta-SiAlONs prepared by a combination of combustion synthesis and spark plasma sintering 衣雪梅 衣雪梅 期刊名称:THERMOCHIMICA ACTA,卷:576,期:576,页: 56-59,发表年:2014,出版年:2014,文献类型:Article SCI二区
AUTOMATIC PARKING OF VEHICLES: A REVIEW OF LITERATURES 王威 宋玉玲 期刊名称:international journal of automotive technology,卷:15,期:6,页: 967-978,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI二区
Thermal death kinetics of adult Sitophilus oryzae and effects of heating rate on thermotolerance 严荣军(学) 王绍金(学) 期刊名称:Journal of Stored Products Research,卷:59,期:3,页: 231-236,发表年:2015,出版年:2015,文献类型:Article SCI二区
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